
Archive for February, 2010

Buh bye feburary

Chocolate souffle. Today is chocolate souffle day and if you’ve ever heard of or tried to make a chcoclate souffle you know its hard and long and nope. I’m sorry today Ill take a pass. Now being that it is feb and sometimes there is 29 days then maybe ill do the 29th day feast. Its surf n turf day!
Seeing as its sunday a brunday would have been a great idea. But I need to do the final steps of cleaning for donnies arrival, watch the gold medal hockey game (bummer usa), and spend a lil qt in my very clean and pretty apartment. I figured I’d do surf and turf day my way. Anyway I choose. I decided to order chinese. I had pepper beef. (Turf) and crab wontons (surf) now I originally picked this menu because they had sushi but when I order it was before 5 and thus no sushi yet.
This kinda through me off. I got all a fluster and ordered things without thinking. The wontons were OK I suppose but the pepper beef I thot I ordered was from the thai area of the menu. I was thinking black pepper, garlic and spicy goodness. Nope after I was done on the phone I realized the pepper beef meant green pepper (my least favorite of all the peppers) and there was no spicy pepper indication at all. When I got it it was as I had suspected. A bland icky poo mess. The rice was good though.
Now its just a waiting game til donnie gets here. I’m antsy. I’m excited. See ya then! 🙂

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Krazy kahlua

Yuuuuummmmmmm kahlua day!! I’m at sharon and justin’s playing mario bros. (Which I am TERRIBLE at btw) drinking kahlua and cremes. Well justin is having a kahlua and coffee. Gotta get to melrose after this and eventually when done for the entire evening I will be putting on a robe, pouring kahlua, vanilla vodka and cream in a glass, sparking a joint and watching the dude while having my own dude moment. Its only right, right? But for now…..back to mario.
Happy kahlua day. Drink up everybody!!!

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Sing with me

Its chili day!!! I adore chili. The weather here in socal is perfect for it and thanks to my sara smara I have a KILLER chili recipe! With donnie coming on monday it would have been perfect to make for today. But its been a hella nutty week and I didn’t have the time.
Lucky for me I am blessed to have so many people in my life and my dear sharon was both missing me as I was her AND a fan of chili. As I drove over to pick up sharon I was flipping channels on the radio and klos was playing paint it black by the rolling stones. I cranked the radio and sang along. Then one right after another song after song of amazing classic rock.
Now many of you may not know that I am from a very small town in the upper penninsula of michigan. My favorite radio station growing up was the classic rock station and I have a healthy appreciation for all music, classic rock being right up there.
I have recently booked a flight “home” for the summer for the first time in a while and I am STOKED! That and with donnie coming on monday I am waxing awfully nostalgic and really feeling very blessed to have all these wonderful people in my life. From grade school friends to the ones I met yesterday I have some of the worlds raddest folk in my life that make it sooooo rich a wonderful!
I am thankful for where I’ve been, who I’ve met and where we are all going. So in the immortal words of aerosmith “Sing with me, if it’s just for today Maybe tomorrow, the good lord will take you away.” Lifes too short people. Enjoy it all. Cover that burger in chili and cheese and eat it and have a happy chili day.

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Chocolate covered peanuts. That’s what today has been dedicated to and I bought them yesterday. A fantastic bag of peanut m&ms! There are many ways to have peanuts covered in chocolate but the peanut m&m is THE chocolate covered peanut! You’re with me right?!?
So I bought them with my sub last night. A king sized bag. Had some for dessert. Had some after midnight. And polished the bag off for breakfast with coffee O YEAH BABY!

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With cheese please

When you add cheese to anything it makes it better. Since today is tortilla chip day and I want a single serving it was an easy choice. Veggie sub with doritos please!
Nothing exciting about today just a bunch of work, excerise and now relaxing….kinda.
Its nice to be home but its weird trying to settle in and getting ready for donnie at the same time. I’m so excited and over excited and antsy and ready! Not really. I have sooooo much cleaning to do, tonight its dusting and olympics. Maybe some wii bowling first! Yippe! Big d!

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B.A.N.A.N.A. Bread

Its been a crazy busy day. Lots of work and driving to and from lax and unpacking thing in my home and now I just wanna relax. Turn my brain off and enjoy my apartment that I have missed for so long. I hooke up big d’s wii and am playing a little before the olympics start.
Ihop declared today pancake day and that’s lovely but for me its banana bread day. I love banana bread and everytime I go to starbucks I get a slice. So that’s what I did. While coming home from matts I drove thru starbucks and got a latte and some banana bread. It was lovely and hope you all had either a pancake or some banana bread because as my friend sara pointed out eariler, either way you can’t lose!

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Ch-ch-cha-cherry BOMB!

What a ridiculous turn of events these last two hours have been. Honestly, its america on george washington’s birthday which happens to be national cherry pie day so how fucking hard does a girl have to try to find a fucking slice of cherry pie?!?!? Pretty hard apparently!
I knew I didnt want to eat more than a slice of cherry pie today because though I like cherry pie its not my favorite. Matt was supposed to be home tonight too (airline strikes have him in europe til tomorrow) so I didn’t have anywhere to make a pie so I decided to go get a slice. I asked burbank where to get the best cherry pie and they said coral cafe or marie callendars. Well DUH marie callendars but I don’t want chain pie I want special pie. My friend rita and I made plans to meet at coral cafe between 5-515ish. Well I got there at 515 and no rita yet….great, but……..there no more cherry pie left in the case and I asked the girl and she confirms if its not in the case, we are out.
I then go through various phone calls and laps up and down burbank blvd between coral and ritas house. Trying to find and/or wait for her to scoop her up and give in and go to marie callendars. Nope. No rita and at 542 I decide to just go to matts and perhaps hit up 711 for a hostess cherry YUCK pie and call it a day. I just wanna go home and stop driving and I need gas so I guess the gas station will have one right!? Noooooooope!!!
I DID stop to get gas becuase I was almost out and they didn’t have anything hostess. It was a little station with just a window and no walk in. So I just got gas.
Then I proceed to drive down burbank and every 711 I pass is really on the wrong side or inconvenient so I pull into another gas station. This one is very busy becuz the gas is CHEAP (figures cuz I already filled my tank) but I park in the back of the building and walk in and there is hostess stuff but mostly very awkward things like zingers (YUM), snowballs and cake rolls. The only hostess PIES they have are lemon! Wtf?
I get BACK in the car and wait thru the light to get kiddy corner from the previous gas station, get in and find out AGAIN no hostess shit ANYWHERE!!!!! Are you kidding me?????
Ok, one last gas station that is mildly easy to get to but because of traffic I wait two lights to get to. Finally success!!!! If you can call it that.
I purchase the pie and come home and read the back of the label. Why do I even punish myself you say?? Because its been a real hassle getting it let’s see what I am really about to eat. I won’t go into it but let’s just say the word cherry only appears in the flavor name on the front and no where anywhere not even a cherry FLAVOR is added to this thing. Its like red flavor #7. ICK!
To top it off all I can think about is the “hostess cherry pie” on the chair of one ms. heavy d herself. Ooooooooh jimmy. I love u so much. Heavy d and the boys. Princess pork and mixed nuts! I’m seriously crying right now!!!!!! HA!
Ok that made it all better. Happy 278th birthday george washington. Thanks for the cherry memories.

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Too many magaritas for margarita day and going to bed at 330am, my piece of shit phone shorted out sometime between 330am and 950am cuz my alarm didn’t wake me up but the doorbell did! My friend dave or the “manmaid” came to clean matts house for he returns tomorrow.
I have been packing moving and watching him clean all day and now am laying on the couch with ethel saying goodbye. I love her and will miss her for what may be a …….week. 😉
I have warmed up a sticky gooey ooey lovely cinnamon sticky bun. I opted for this version instead of the nut covered kind cuz I feel like frosting. And I have some milk left from making the indian pudding. Yummmmmmm-MEE! Back to the olympics. I’m a junkie.

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Margi Pardi Yall

Well its weird to me that margarita day is in the middle of february. Wouldn’t may 5th or something in the middle of summer be more appropriate? That’s when I think of margaritas. Cinco de mayo, at a bbq in the summer….february, winter olympics and laundry day…..ok I guess! 😉 twist my arm then!
I just woke up from a nap and have a busy evening/night ahead of me. I need to do laundry, pack my stuff here at matts up and bring it all (well the majority of it) home because he returns monday and its cleaning day tomorrow. Tonight however is the fundraising party for my friends show coming up next month and I am super excited to party with these people. Lucky for me I don’t have to drive so celebration begins for me NOW as I pack and blah blah blah.
Happy margarita day folks. Whether on ice or blended, do it how ya like and drink up!

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A different planet

I have beeb so distracted since about 2pm today I almost forgot about the food of the day and this blog. You see I am currently watching this adorable puppy for my friend. His name is whitley and I cannot stop looking at him and cuddling with him and basically obsessing over him!!!! He’s fucking precious yall!!!!!
Though ethel doesn’t enjoy him what so ever. Last time he came over here there were lots of people too so she just hid. Now she is very confused and though she’s not as afraid of him as people she is still afraid of everything. She’s cracking me up!
Smo is here and on her way over she asked if I needed anything. I said no and then remembered that today is chocolate mint candy day and I didn’t have any in the house. So I told her to go crazy at the store and I’d pay her when she gets here.
Ol girl showed up with dark chocolate covered altoids and dark chocolate mint UFOs!!!!! Both from trader joes! This is gonna be good because I don’t like chocolate and mint things really so when she leaves here she gets to keep the goods. And I LOVE dark chocolate the most of all the chocolates and if there is an option for dark chocolate to make things better, let’s DO IT!!
The altoids, being that their slogan IS the curiously strong mint well its not a shock that its a delicious dark chocolate layer. A pretty decent sized layer toooo! Over an actual altoid. They are quite good. Though because the chocolate is so nice and thick you do bite through the altoid and I like to suck the altoids. Thumbs up over all!!
The UFOs are a CRaZy riDe into the universe for sure!! They are about the diameter of a quater and completely solid dark chocolate with a mint flavor added. Let me tell you something, its a good thing altoids already HAS the slogan “the curiously strong mint” because quite frankly altoids have NOTHING on these alien ships!!! They are so super minty I said like you would after a good shot of whiskey “that’ll put hair on yer chest!” So strang you can help but love them and want another one for more of the punishing mint flavor! Its goofy!
Between the clean crisp bitter punch of the mint treats and the winter olympics and now the rainy weather outside its really winter here in socal. I’m gonna enjoy it cuz monday its supposed to be 70!!!

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